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Jakarta, Tangerang Selatan/Banten, Indonesia
Mahasiswi STP Sahid Jakarta :)

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Jawaban Kuliah Online “Leadership”

1.     Kepemimpinan dalam semua hal sangat diperlukan, guna mencapai suatu tujuan tertentu. Tujuan tersebut tidak akan berjalan lancar jika tidak ada yang mengawasi, memberi instruksi dan mengatur kerjasama yang baik dengan bawahannya, karena itulah system kepemimpinan yang baik di butuhkan. Namun sebuah kepemimpinan juga tidak serta merta hanya memberi aturan ataupun tugas pada bawahannya tanpa ada pendekatan yang terarah untuk para bawahannya. Pendekatan – pendekatan yang dapat dilakukan antara lain
a)     Pendekatan kesifatan
Pendekatan yang dilakukan dengan cara mengkombinasikan sifat – sifat pribadi nya dengan para bawahan guna dapat mengerti apa yang diinginkan pimpinan dan apa yang diinginkan bawahannya.
b)     Pendekatan Perilaku – Perilaku (Behaviors)
Pendekatan yang berasal dari pribadi masing – masing dapat mempengaruhi bagaimana ia melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai pimpinan dengan bawahannya.
c)     Pandangan Situasional (Contingency)
Pandangan ini menganggap jika kondisi yang menentukan efektiv atau tidaknya sebuah kepemimpinan bervariasi dengan situasi tugas yang dilakukan, keterampilan dan pengharapan bawahan, lingkungan organisasi dan sebagainya.
Kepemimpinan tidak hanya pendekatan seperti yang sudah di jelaskan diatas namun kerjasama yang baik dari pimpinan dan bawahannya dapat mencapai tujuan yang sama. Intinya seorang pimpinan boleh menggunakan system kepemimpinan sesuai dengan keinginan mereka, yang terpenting adalah agar para bawahannya (karyawan) merasa senang menjalankan pekerjaan mereka sehingga keberhasilan tujuan dapat tercapai sesuai dengan keinginan.

Leadership in all things is necessary, in order to achieve a certain goal. These objectives will not run smoothly if no one is watching, giving instructions and set up good cooperation with subordinates, because that system in need of good leadership. But the leadership is not necessarily just give rules or tasks on subordinates without a directed approach to their subordinates. approaches that can be done include:
  1. Approach the nature
The approach taken by combining the personal nature of his subordinates in order to be able to understand what the leadership wants and what they want subordinates.
    2. Behavioral approach
Approach from a private individual can influence how it is performing its duties as a leader with subordinates.
         3. Situational outlook (Contingency)
This view considers if the conditions that determine whether or not an Effective leadership varies with the situation of the tasks performed, the skills and expectations of subordinates, environmental organizations and so on.

Leadership is not only the approach, as already explained above but the good cooperation of the leaders and subordinates can accomplish the same goal. The point of a leader may use the system in accordance with the wishes of their leadership, the important thing is that the subordinates (employees) feel good about their jobs so that the success of the objectives can be achieved in accordance with the wishes.
2.     Kepemimpinan adalah sebuah system mempengaruhi sesuatu yang baik dengan cara mengarahkan, mengawasi dan memberikan motivasi untuk bawahannya guna mencapai keberhasilan yang diinginkan bersama.
Leadership is something that affects a system either by means of direct, supervise and provide motivation for subordinates to achieve the desired success together.
3.      TUGAS PEMIMPIN       
a.     Yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan
  • Cepat mengambil inisiatif dalam setiap pekerjaan yang ia miliki. 
  • Memberi arahan untuk setiap anggota 
  • Memberikan informasi tentang pekerjaan atau tentang organisasi untuk anggotanya.
  • Memberikan dukungan dan motivasi agar anggota lebih bersemangat dan giat bekerja  
  • Memberi pemikiran dan ide terbaru guna memajukan organisasi yang dipimpinnya. 
  • Mengambil suatu kesimpulan tentang apa yang telah dilakukan dan mengulas apa saja kekurangan dari sistem kerja guna memperbaikinya di esok hari.
b.     Yang berkaitan dengan kekompakan anggota
  • Mendorong motivasi kerja yang dimiliki anggota, bersahabat dengan karyawan jangan merasa sombong atau berkuasa tetapi tidak menghilangkan sikap kewibawaan kita sebagai pimpinan, bersikap menerima sifat yang dimiliki oleh anggota kita jika terjadi kesalahan pada karyawan tersebut maka tugas kita memperbaiki dan tetap memberi dukungan moril padanya. 
  • Bersikap mendamaikan pedebatan dan masalah yang terjadi pada saat bekerja 
  • Apabila anggota memberikan pendapat tetapi menurut kita salah, adalah kewajiban kita untuk meluruskan pendapat yang salah. 
  • Memperlancar pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab seluruh anggota 
  • Memberikan peraturan atau tata tertib yang harus di jalankan oleh seluruh anggota 
  • a. Related to the job
·        Quickly take the initiative in every job he has.
·        Provide direction for each of the members
·         Provide information about work or about the organization to its members
·         Provide support and motivation so that members are more enthusiastic and energetic work
·         Giving the latest thinking and ideas to advance the organization he leads.
·         Taking a conclusion about what has been done and to review any shortage of work systems in order to fix it in the next day.
  •      b. Related to the compactnessof members
·        Encourage members work motivation owned, friendly with the members do not feel arrogant or power but does not eliminate the attitude of our authority as a leader, being receptive to the nature owned by our members in the event of an error on the members is then our duty to repair and keep giving him moral support.
·        Be reconcile the debates and problems that occur when working
·        If members give an opinion but we think is wrong, it is our duty to rectify a wrong opinion.
·      Facilitates the implementation of the duties and responsibilities of all members
·        Provide regulation or order that should be run by all members

4.     Gaya kepemimpinan adalah sekumpulan ciri yang digunakan pimpinan untuk mempengaruhi bawahan agar sasaran organisasi tercapai atau dapat pula dikatakan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan adalah pola perilaku dan strategi yang disukai dan sering digunakan oleh seorang pemimpin dan dengan kata lain cara mengatur sistem kerja untuk para bawahan kita agar suasana dalam bekerja lebih nyaman, tertib dan penuh dengan semangat agar target atau tujuan kita dalam suatu pekerjaan dapat berjalan lancar.Gaya kepemimpinan yang saya gunakan adalah sistem yang sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi yang terjadi di saat operasional.
Leadership style is a set of leadership traits that are used to influence subordinates to achieve organizational goals or it can be said that leadership style is a pattern of behaviors and strategies are preferred and often used by a leader and in other words how to set up a working system for our subordinates so that the atmosphere in work more comfortable, orderly and full of passion or purpose in order to target us in a job can go smoothly.Leadership style that I use is a system that suits the situation and conditions prevailing at the time operations.

Senin, 28 November 2011

Job Description

Le chef de cuisine (Kepala dapur)
  • ·         Overseeing the kitchen as a whole
  • ·         Develop menu
  • ·         Make a list of purchases for kitchen utensils
  • ·         Responsible for all subordinates (service hours)
  • ·         Oversee the storage of materials, wash, etc..
Le sous Chef (Wakil Kepala)
  • ·         Responsible for the kitchen when the head is absent, and also the sous chef in charge will accelerate all the work in the kitchen.
Lechef de Partie (Kepala Bagian)
  • ·         Responsible for the part that is in the kitchen
Le commis chef (wakil kepala bagian)
  • ·         Assist the head part in carrying out work or act as chief when the chief was off and prevented.
L’Apprentie (Juru masak pemula)
  • ·         Assisting in the kitchen operations and typically consist of trainee or entry-level employees
List of Position for Finance Department


Hotel Chief Accountant:  Purchasing Manager:

Cost Controller: Account Supervisor:

General Cashier: Account Payable:

receiver /  torekeeper:


Provide financial consultancy service to Hotel Management for developing promotions to increase revenues or to adopt cost cutting measures to decrease expenses. Ensure the safeguarding of hotel’s assets in the interests of Owner and General Manager for providing continuous and efficient service to the guest. Ensure that the F & B Control section provides timely and accurate reports to Management review and support the plans of the F & B Manager to control costs and improve revenues. Prepare annual salary increases for graded employees for approval by appropriate decision makers to compensate these employees on a timely basis. Ensure that the Purchasing section in thoroughly familiar with the market and obtain best possible bids on purchases to control or lower operating expenses. Ensure that all required coverage of all insurances policies of the hotel are in effect as well as all necessary licenses is renewed according to the Vietnam law and BinhThuan government regulations. Responsible for reviewing and approving of legal contracts and attending to a lllegal matters in the hotel operations Ensure maintaining of in-house back office computer system in optimum operating condition.

To verify daily banking from duplicate of bank receipt to the General Cashier reports. Check the Daily General Cashier Report. Follow up, on delays in realizing deposit, and return checks, to carry out monthly reconciliation of all hotel bank accounts. To maintain general ledger, starting from posting, adjusting, and printing and also to maintain the adequate of accounting records based on Vietnamese Accounting Standard (VAS) To reconcile by monthly all Currents Assets of Balance Sheet

Carry out the function of collecting city ledger accounts with the assistance of Account Receivable. Carry out the function of Financial Controller when he is out the hotel area. Represent of Financial Controller for government when he/she is no time to visit. To lead an accounting meeting when the Financial Controller not able to come for attending accounting department meeting To maintain a General Ledger as per instruction of the management, based on the guidance had given to. Posting into the HOTEL COMPUTERIZE System by daily basis, all Front Office function and Income Auditing To print Daily Report as per instruction, and filed into the proper place in sequence date and month and to store into the safe place for tax audit purpose. To prepare monthly tax report i.e., Value Added Tax Monthly Tax Return, Personal Income Tax Return, and Letter Tax Payment for Added Tax, and Personal Income Tax. Also Corporate Income Tax

Comply with Your Hotel’s Name policies and procedures. Performs any other duties as assigned by the hotel’s management

Front office
Front office manager

Duties and responsibilities:

1.      Participate in the selection of the front office employee selection
2.      Overseeing the work load in the front office
3.      Evaluate the performance of officers working the front office
4.      Maintaining working relationships and communication with other departments conducive at the hotel
5.      maintain control of the master key
6.      make the front office department budget
7.      Regular meetings are scheduled with staff or front office personnel
8.      deal with problems and complaints from guests with courtesy and quick response
9.      assign the task and prepare a weekly work schedule
1.  make effective decisions about policy and the determination of room reservations
Assistant front office manager
Duties and responsibilities :
1.      conduct training for employees new front office
2.      monitor the guest account, payment and authorization checks and procedures for special credit
3.      review the reservation for today and preparing room occupancy forecasts
Duties and responsibilities :
1.      carry out registration for guests and allocate rooms according to demand
2.      guests check out process according to the procedure
3.      working with housekeeping in her room up-date status and track room status differences
4.      ensure that all guests have been registered and is served by efficient and hospitality
5.      understanding the location of rooms, rooms are available and the price
Front office Cashier
Duties and responsibilities :
1.      full responsibility for money received in a shift
2.      operate the equipment posts in the front office
3.      financial completing guests check in and check out
4.      post a guest loads into account
5.      handle paid out

Executive Housekeeper
The Executive Housekeeper is responsible for all duties of the housekeeping operation and cleanliness levels in all areas of the property. Responsibilities include: staff training, inter- department communications, and staff scheduling. The Executive Housekeeper will promote an atmosphere that insures the company mission statement, “Friendliness and Cleanliness”. This position requires strong attention to detail, leadership skills, and the ability to effectively deal with department heads, guests, and team members.
Assistant Executive Housekeeper
The Assistant Executive Housekeeper supports the Executive Housekeeper in all duties of the housekeeping operation and cleanliness levels in all areas of the property. Responsibilities include: staff training, inter-department communications, and staff scheduling. The Assistant Executive will promote an atmosphere that insures the company mission statement, “Friendliness and Cleanliness”. This position requires strong attention to detail, leadership skills, and the ability to effectively deal with department heads, guests, and team members.
Continental Breakfast Attendant
The Continental Breakfast Attendant is responsible for setting up the daily complimentary continental breakfast, ensuring that the breakfast items are well stocked, and cleaning up after breakfast. This position requires multi-tasking abilities and ability to effectively communicate with guests regarding breakfast offerings and basic hotel information. A valid Food Handler's permit is required.
House person
The House person is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and appearance of the hotel and providing customers with quality service in a timely and friendly manner. Responsibilities vary but may include: cleaning and maintaining the appearance of the public areas of the hotel, deep cleaning of assigned areas, setting-up and maintaining complimentary hotel lobby functions including the coffee service and nightly concierge events, cleaning and setting-up meeting room functions, restocking housekeeping stations, delivering service items to guest rooms upon requests from the front desk, and driving shuttle van when needed.
Room Attendant
Room Attendants are responsible for the cleanliness of guest rooms, hallways, and public areas in the hotel. Responsibilities include: servicing guest rooms daily in accordance with hotel procedures, stocking cart with room supplies, and replacing bed linens and replenishing guest room supplies. This position requires strong attention to detail, ability to communicate effectively with guests and team members verbally or in written form, and the ability to bend, lift, and be standing or walking all day. 

Human Resources Department
I.       Director
II.    Compensation analysis
·         Job evaluation
·         Safety board
·         Merid admin
·         Attendant incentive
III. Risk management
·         Property insurance
·         General liability
·         Profesional liability
·         Emergency procedure
·         Safety program
IV. Employee relations
·         Client consultations
·         Grivance procedure
·         Unemployment comp
V.    Benefits Administration
·         Flex benefits
·         Worker’s comp
·         LTD
·         Open Enrollment
VI. Training
·         Training partnership
·         Course procedure
·         Work force commit
·         Program development
VII.                      Staffing
·         Job postings
·         Applicant sourcing
·         Summer employment
·         Job fairs
·         Applicant screening